Last updated: 21-11-2017
More Info Required
- Boz And The Feel For Soul
- The London Allstars
- The New London Allstars
Basic Information
- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
- 60s Soul
L1966 - M1968
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Lead Vocals: Dave Quinton aka Dave Nicholas -May67 (2)Terry Davison DEP
(3)Raymond Boz Burrell Jun67-Oct67
Guitar: Stuart Fuller -May67 (2)Ronnie Daring May67-May68
Bass: Paul Moss -Nov67 (2)Colin Clegg Nov67-May68
Keys: Keith Burbury (2)Brian Tatum + Lead Vocals Oct67-May68
TSax: Julian Revell -May68
BSax: Chris Green -May68
Trumpet: Norman Samways
Trombone: Rob Goodale ex Mooche
Drums: Jeff Revell -Jan1968 (2)Barry Wilkinson DEP (3)Clive Monen Jan68-May68
Only months after The Cheaters had rejuvenated they become Feel for Soul, having initially toyed with the title The Gass Revolution.
Lead vocalist Quinton was by now the only original member from The Cheater’s formation, as they expand to an eight piece with a brass section. Quinton retired in May 1967 but does return to the scene again in late 1969 with Sheer Infatuation. In the meantime Davison of The Audio B Band deputises and Pete Reynolds frontman with Organised K-Oss tries out for the group at rehearsals but chooses to fill the vacant position with The Versions instead.
The rumour mill touted Johnny Casey ex Poor Souls and even Mike Patto as possible permanent replacements but the group are finally joined in June by Columbia recording artist Raymond Boz Burrell. Burrell had temporarily relocated to Norwich, although it was well known at the time he was on the run from his benefactor the notorious “Bowler Hat Backer”. His connection to the band came about during his first few weeks back in Norwich when on 29 May 1967 he spontaneously sings with the band at The Orford Cellar. His tenure lasts until October that year before relations with his manager are restored and he returns to London. Just before he leaves the group they are joined on organ by ex Mooche man Tatum who then takes on the lead vocal duty.
Interest in the band increases and in October 1967 they are offered a UK Tour with the US visiting Drifters. Guitarist Fuller decides he does not want to tour and is replaced by Daring, who was returning from an aborted move to London but had previously been in Norwich with Eyes Of Blond. Jeff Revell also appears to leave just before the tour starts being replaced by Monen, who had been static at The Washington 400, Nch since the breakup of The Fuzz.
The tour kicks off in high expectation in Streatham on the 22 February 1968. “It was a bit of a nervous start,” said Daring. “We had learnt and run through all the numbers we had been told to but when we arrived had to quickly learn several that hadn’t been on our list.” The band had taken on the name The New London All-Stars for the tour and headed off around the UK. However it wasn’t long before the cracks started to show. “The tour didn’t seem to be that well organised and had no official end date, gigs were added in and cancelled. Some were poorly advertised, so the people just didn’t turn up. It was very hit or miss!” adds Daring. Poor organisation outside of their control left the now professional band struggling to make ends meet. “We found it hard to get money out of the promoters for everyday living expenses and the tour kept getting extended. Come May we were owed more than £200 in unpaid appearance money and couldn’t afford to mend our van.” Disillusioned and broke the group dissolve.
Daring is next seen in Blue Street Soul while Green and Revell join The Amalgamation who were made up of ex Samantha’s Mood and The Influence members. Tatum briefly reforms The Mooche before becoming part of the augmented Moving Finger/Eric Delaney combination.
UK Feb-May 68 - The Original Drifters
Ireland dates advertised for April 1968 but unconfirmed
Three Norwich groups in changes H&N EEN 30/05/67
Boz joins F.F.S. H&N EEN 05/06/67 (P)
City group Feel For Soul in line fabulous Bermuda booking H&N EEN 17/07/67 (P)
Audition for Feel For Soul H&N EEN 23/10/67
Feel For Soul get the job but lose guitarist H&N EEN 30/10/67
London booking for local group UP Udat
Feel For Soul big hit In London EEN Udat
Another tour offer H&N EEN 06/11/67
Feel for Soul dates fixed H&N EEN 12/02/68
Rave start for FFS H&N EEN 26/02/68
Inhibited Yarmouth audience H&N EEN 15/04/68
Break-Up for FFS H&N EEN 13/05/68
Encyclopaedia Of British Beat Groups Of The Sixties
by Colin Cross
ISBN 0860016382 Omnibus Press 1980
(Tatum - Mooch) (Daring - Eyes Of Blond) (Clegg - Eyes Of Blond) (Burrell - Boz & The Boz People) The Cheaters <
> (Quinton - Sheer Infatuation) (Daring - Blue Street Soul) (Tatum - Mooch)