

Last updated: 24-05-2021

Guitar: Dennis Woodcock

Guitar: Ronnie Daring

Guitar, Bass, Vn: Mick Betts

Keys: Paul Saint Gunnell

Sax: Julian Revell

Drums: Brain Langham


The eccentrically named Universal Tongue Bath joined forces with lighting engineers Tom Wall and Steve Crome, otherwise known as The Gentle Sound Of Light, to become Ambience. The son et lumière lasted a “goodly” number of sessions, performing mainly in the basement coffee bar of the Charing Cross Centre, although a disappointing gig at the refurbished Norwich Bowl clubroom is covered in the paper in December 1969, when their organ broke and it had to be replaced by the less than haunting plonk of an upright piano.



Full of promise H&N EEN 08/12/69 (P)



Universal Tongue Bath <>