Last updated: 16-02-2014
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Basic Information
- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
- 60s Psych
Active Years:
L1969 - Undated
L1969 - Undated
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Lead Vocals: Terry Davidson
Guitar: Ronnie Daring added member
Guitar: Brian Cooper
Bass: Dave Brown (2)Brian Harrison aka Harry Cherrell
Keys: Paul Daynes
Drums: Malcolm Catlin
Drums: Brian Langham
Habit were concieved at the dawn of the seventies they were a rear mixture of past talents such as Brian Langham, Brian Harrison and Ronnie Daring but also contained a clutch of future hopefuls in the shape of Vocalist,Terry Davidson and guitarist, Brian Cooper. The group featured a double drummer
Ambience <> Cannabis Hat / Daring Cooper Catlin