Last updated: 30-04-2014
More Info Required
- Circuit Five, The
Basic Information
- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
- 60s Beat
L1964 - E1966
Related Bands
- Vitones, The
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- Falcons, The
Lead Vocals: John Watts (2)Colin Clegg
Guitar: Ronnie Daring
Guitar: Phil Wade
Bass: Johnny Averill
Keys: Trefor Thomas added member
Drums: Peter Revell (2)John R Marshall
Having already established themselves as The Vitones the band changed name in September 1964 when Phil came up with The Circuit 5, a play on words after aquiring a new circuit four guitar. The sporadic appearances of John Watts on vocals during the days of The Vitones ended in September 1964 when he became the groups permanant frontman. The group were also joined by guitarist Ronnie Daring who previously been with The Rapiers
Another change in 1964 was the departure of Peter Revell on drums who went on to join [band required] his replacement was John R Marshall who had previously been playing with the outfit The Hangmen. The group started to build a good local following and backed many of the big names of the period.
In July 1965 Trefor Thomas on his Selmer Pianatron was added from The Sugarbeats. Vocalist John Watts left to join the singerless Falcons in August 1965 and was soon replaced by Colin Clegg who had been with The Cynics. Colin had previously shared the stage with John R Marshall in the days of The Hangmen.
On the 11th of December 1965 the group got their first big break, They were asked to appear at The New All Star Club in London as part of an all day event among those appearing were The Who & Geno Washington & His Ram Jam Band. In early 1966 the band auditioned for [information required]. In March 1966 the now, six piece, Circuit 5 decided that a change in name was needed and they became Eyes Of Blond.
Supports: The Chevelles / Robb Storme & The Whispers / The Mighty Avengers / Jeff Curtis & The Flames / The Who / The Herd / The Moody Blues / Bern Elliot & The Klan / Unit 4 + 2 / Souls Savages / The Hollies / Amboy Dukes / Cliff Bennet & The Rebel Rousers / Bo Street Runners / Cops ‘N’ Robbers / The Swinging Blue Jeans / Hamilton Movement / Grey Wade & The Group 4
James Brown could put Circuit 5 on top EEN 28/5/65[ ](P)
Circuit 5 play first London date EEN --/12/65[ ]
(Thomas -The Sugarbeats) (Daring -The Rapiers) (Marshall -The Hangmen) (Clegg -The Cynics) The Vitones <
> Eyes Of Blonde (Watts -The Falcons)