Last updated: 26-01-2014
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Basic Information
- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
- 60s Rock
M1967 - E1969
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Lead Vocals: Roger Pye
Lead Vocals, Bass: David Knowles
Guitar: Chris Mortimer
Drums: Brian Langham
Heavily influenced by guitar guru Hendrix and British super group The Cream, right down to the three piece structure of the band. Mortimer, Langham & Knowles had come a long way since their beat group days, as well as being accomplished musicians Knowles was showing great ability as a composer
The group soon made a name for themselves and in January 1968 they were booked to do a six month tour of USAF Bases in Germany. The tour was suddenly cut short when the forces were put on high alert as the Russians invaded Czechoslovakia. Having turned professional and now relying on the band for income this put pressure on the band.
In early 1969 a test for Decca Records at their studio in London proved fruitless. The band were now struggling and were having to move around the country scraping every gig they could find, It was at this point that tragedy struck. Travelling home from a gig in Soham near Ely, they were involved in a near fatal crash in which Chris Mortimer was thrown clean through the windscreen. Luckily after much convalescing Chris made a full recovery, but the band that day had effectively come to an end.
David Knowles found himself joining Kiss and Brian Langham joining [band required]. In around 19 Chris made his return to the music scene in short lived Blue Max.
Supports: Edwin Starr & The Nashville Hothouse / Bluesology / Paper Dolls / The Move / Billy Fury & The Tornadoes
Tours: USAF Airbases - Germany[ ] Jan 1968
Lucky Charms EEN --/1/68[ ](P)
(Pye - The Outlook) (Langham - Audio B Band) Organized K’os <
> (Knowles - Kiss) (Langham - ??) (Motimer - The Blue Max)