Last updated: 07-03-2014
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Basic Information
- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
- Unknown
Active Years:
C1968 - Undated
C1968 - Undated
Lead Vocals: Roger Pye aka John Crowe
Bass: Dave Evans aka David Hemmings
Drums: Trevor Lincoln aka Tony Shelford
Under a cloak of false names came this group of established local musicians. Managed by Pete Millership of the Crocodile PH who had been highly influential in co-ordinating Norwich’s rock & Roll revival. The groups existence barley spans the summer of 1968, before all it’s occupants were off pursuing new ventures
Support: The Rocking Preachers at RAF Watton 22/08/1968
New Group Turn Pro H&N EEN 22/07/1968[ ]
(Evans -The Ultimate) (Pye - Organised K-Oss) (Lincoln - 13th Hour) <> (Lincoln - ??)