Last updated: 03-12-2014
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- Impy
- Impis
Basic Information
- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
- 60s Soul
M1968 - E1970
Related Bands
- Remedy
- Blue Street Soul
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Lead Vocals: Chris Agginie
Lead Vocals: Bill Wicker added member
Guitar: Mick Betts (2)Terry Long (3)Dennis Woodcock
Sax: Ray Blake
Bass: Brian Harrison ??Dave Terry
BSax: Dave Leeds
Trpt: Tony Jones
Drums: Clive Attoe
Named after an African tribe, Impi being Zulu for a body of armed men. The name was given to them on the appearance of lead singer Chris Aginnie who had relocated to Norwich as a trainee nurse. A large portion of the group had previously been playing in simular brass driven bands, The Blue Street Soul. Together the line-up became Remedy in May/June 1970 but only lasted a few months before disbanding
Chris's travelling friend Orlando Williams would also occassionally sing with them. In January 1969 both Chris & Orlando were featured singing together at a Barnados party in the Norwich Mercury. In February 1969 Terry Long returned on guitar. "We travelled around in a Morris Worker bus" said Terry who recalls his highlights as backing Marmalade and the playing of the Boston Gliderdrome venue with its revolving stage.
The band came to the attention in the press after some good reviews and Chris was interviewed. Chris Accra Ghana (Born 1946 and aged 23) said that the band had a distinct sound and that he liked performing to the local crowds although he did miss his home
Dave Leeds was recruited from the overcrowded Cheaters and came in on Baritone Sax
Mamalade / Vanity Fair / Decker / Cupids Inspiration / The Gass / All Night Walkers / Skatalite / Chris McClure Sect
The Mooche / Oakley’s Oracles / The Epics / Ruby James & The Sound Trekkers / Clearwater / Matthew / Raymond Froggart
Bernado children guests at club party EEN 17/01/69 (P)
New sound in Norwich NM&J 21/06/69 (P)
Blue Street Soul <> Remedy / Amberstone