Last updated: 31-10-2016
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Basic Information
- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
- 60s R&b
L1965 - M1967
Related Bands
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Lead Vocals: Paul Symonds (2)Mervyn Hurn
Guitar: Pete Leonard left 1966
Guitar: Micky Crabtree aka Mick Shulton
Keys: Geoff Town aka Geoff Marshall added member 1966
Bass: Mick Brighton (2)Dave Evans aka Dave Chanel
Drums: Brian Hewkins (2)Les McNicholl aka John Smith
The R&B Influenced Ultimate were formed by Pete Leonard (ex Falcon) & Mick Crabtree (ex Cynic) after The Falcons had split in late 1965. They were joined in this venture by Paul Symonds on vocals who had previously been with The HiJacks and also another ex Cynic Brian Hewkins on drums. Paul Symonds soon departed and Mervyn Hurn who had been in The Falcons and had started his musical days with Pete Leonard in The Starbeats joined. Before the group ended guitarist Pete Leonard left and was replaced by Geoff Town on a Vox Continental.
Promoter Norman Guest took on the job of managing band. The bands inception and short lifespan was heavily based around their residency at The Royal Links Pavillion in Cromer.
In July 1967 The group changed its name to Mid West Excursion because another band, not local, had emerged as The Ultimate.
After the group seperated many of the musicaians took time away from the music scene. In 197? Peter Leonard remerged with Faded Jade. Mervyn retired altogether and was only tempted back in the advent of the golden years concerts, when he rejoined the Starbeats in ????
Supports: Abject Blues / The Hamilton Movement / The Kinks / Cliff Bennett & The Rebel Rousers / The Syn / The Fancy Breed / Felders Oriels / Geno Washington & The Ram Jam Band / Dave Dee Dozy Beaky Mick & Tich / George Bean & The Runners / Billy Fury & The Gamblers / MI5 / Freddie ‘Fingers’ Lee & The Storme / Sons Of Fred / The Fortunes / Swinging Blue Jeans / Tiffany & The Thoughts
Norwich Group Changes Name H&N EEN 10/7/67[ ](P)
(Symonds - The HiJacks) The Falcons / The Cynics <
> Mid-West Excursion (Evans - Tricycle) (Leonard - The Washington House Band or Faded Jade??)