Last updated: 06-02-2014
More Info Required
- Ricky Lee And His Heartbeats
- Ruby Lee And His Heartbeats
Basic Information
- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
- 60s Pop
E1959 - L1959
Lead Vocals, Guitar: Ricky Howard aka Ricky Lee
Vocals, Guitar: Frank Quinton
Guitar: Pete Moore
Bass: Gerald Alison
Piano: Richard ?? (2)Geoff Town
Drum: Johnny Pratt
The group were formed by school friends Ricky Howard & Frank Quinton who began performing as an Everly Brothers style duo under the title The Larue Brothers. In 1958 Ricky began working for Norwich Motor Company and there met drum wannabie John Pratt who’s kit at the time consisted of an assortment of tins and tubs tied to a chair
The band had a varied line-up during its short life and was the first to feature Ricky’s new stage name Ricky Lee. The band spent a lot of time in rehearsals said drummer Johnny Pratt and over a period of time built up their repotire. The bands debut didn't go well as the audience were expecting a lady singer when they were erroneously advertised as Ruby Lee and the Heartbeats.
Later the group were reduced to a three piece and became know as The Tennessee Trio [more details required]
John & Ricky went on to play with both The Continentals and The Hucklebucks. Uncertain Ricky believes Frank Quinton is now residing in Canada
<> The Tenesse Trio