Last updated: 30-01-2021
- Voice
Basic Information
- Acle, Norfolk, Uk
- 70s Pop
C1976 - C1984
Lead Vocals: John Pegg > Guitar
Guitar: John Butler lnr
Guitar: John Rosbotham
Bass: Dave Lawther (2)Don Pegg
Drums: Dave Willgress (2)Kenny Rivett (3)Pete Allen
Originally playing as function band Worzel Gummidge the band became known as Dusty adding J.Pegg as vocalist. Willgress say's he and Butler leave the band around 78/79 to join Fifth Avenue. Butler goes unreplaced as J.Pegg covers on guitar but Rivett comes in on drums. It is belived that D.Pegg then later replaces Lawther on bass, a reverse move as Lawther originally replaced D.Pegg in Worzel Gummidge. The final line-up change sees Rivett replaced by Allen on drums.
"The main venue for Continuation, Worzel Gummidge & Dusty remaimed The Stracey Arms and for several years all those bands played there on average 5 nights a week from Easter to the end of September. The pub was conveniently situated by the River Bure so benefitted from a large influx of holiday makers every night from the boats moored up on the river. We even played Sunday lunchtimes for a couple of years and I recall that one year we totted up 17 consecutive nights and lunchtimes there. Of course we also played other venues as well - pubs, village halls, social clubs, RAF/USAF bases etc. Over the years we progressed from an out & out pop band (60's) into a more rock orientated band (70's). As Dusty we had one appearance at the West Runton Pavillion although due to a mix up with an agent for some reason we were billed as Voice this was on Saturday 14th of August 1976, just a few days before The Sex Pistols appeared there. I can't remember exactly when it was (either 1978 or 1979), or why, but John Butler and myself left Dusty & joined Fifth Avenue." DW26/05/2020
Worzel Gummidge <> Fith Avenue