Last updated: 21-09-2017
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Basic Information
- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
- Function
C1984 - C1992
Lead Vocals, Guitar: John Pegg
Vocals, Guitar: John Rosbotham
Veterans of the beat era, John and John both butchers by trade had met through playing in the function band Dusty which formed in 1976. The band had run its course but the two Johns decided they still loved playing and began the duo as a homage to one of their comedy heroes Norman Wisdom.
John Pegg said "There were many highlights during Grimsdale and Pitkit but none more so than meeting the great man himself. Norman was appearing at ?? [venue required] and we were down the road doing a summer season with the Rockin' Berries. We wrote to him and ask him if we could meet and he agreed. The Evening News were there and captured the moment we meet our hero."