Last updated: 27-02-2020
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Also Known As:
- The Jazztet
Basic Information
- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
- Jazz
Active Years:
M1982 - Undated
M1982 - Undated
Related Bands
- What The World Made Us
- Source Force
- Trevor Copeman
- Dave Amis Quintet
- Stablemates, The
- Centipede
- Jonathan Wyatt Big Band, The
- Ramsey Lane
- James Elliot Band, The
- Gill Ellis Quintet, The
- Part Time Blues Band, The
- Fretmen, The
- Breakaways, The
- Bluebottles, The
- Bo Street Runners
- Patto's People
- Tempo's, The
- Jody Grind
- Stax Band, The
- Manzello
- Aztec Pirates, The
- Soul Reaction
- Copperfield
- Boz People
- Waamm
- Barry Wilson Trio, The
ASax: Simon Youngman
TSax, Flute: George McKay
Trombone: Dave Amiss
DBass: Tim Mahn
Drums: Barry Wilson
Guests: John Leslie - ??, Derek Warne - Piano, Martin Dunsdon - ??, Christine Mason - Vocals, Barry Mason - Trumpet
In early 1982 seen as resident jazz band at the new Boat & Bottle Public House, Thorpe Road, Nch jazz nights.
19/07/82 H&N EEN: New residency at Norwich's Royal Hotel starting on Tuesday 27/07/82 - Band based around Source Force players listed: Barry Wilson, Drums / Tim Mahn, Bass / Martin Dunsdon, TSax, Flute / Simon Youngman, ASax / David Amis, Trombone /