Last updated: 12-02-2021
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Basic Information
- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
- 80s Indie
Active Years:
E1981 - M1984
E1981 - M1984
Vocals, Guitar: Nigel Harper
Vocals: Bob Wilton am
Vocals: Ruth Roberts am-Aug82 (2)Judith Havens Aug82-??
Guitar: Bill Boyd am/lnr
Vocals, Guitar: Jane Tantram ??-81
Keys: Liz Holder
Bass: Laurence Lol Mitchell
Drums: Tom Carver (2)Richard Fryer
"The original line-up was Harper gtr/vox, Tantram gtr/vox, Holder keys, myself bass and Carver drums. Jane Tantram died in 1981. Later additions and i'm not entirely sure of the precise chronology. Bob Wilton, vox, Bill Boyd gtr, Ruth Roberts vox. Bill and Ruth then left and Havens joined on vocals. Richard Fryer replaced Tom Carver on drums." LM 12/02/2021
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