Last updated: 25-06-2021
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- Wymondham, Norfolk, Uk
- 60s Pop
C1964 - C1964
LVox: Andrew Latten am
Piano: Alan Dean
Vocals, Harmonica, Guitar: Michael Barratt aka Mick Betts
??: Richard Fuller
Guitar: Geoff High am
Drums: Duncan Bones Jones
Formed at Wymondham College in 1964, the group get off to a bad start when a teacher confiscates all their equipment. Barratt who later surfaces in The Audio B Band said, “I seem to remember Latten wasn't in the group long before I took over on vocals and harmonica. Al Dean was the only real musical guy in the group at the time. We didn’t have a bass player, so he would bash out the bass notes on the piano,”.
We believe Dean later played for Downham Market band Hardline (unconfirmed).
Source & Website: wymondham college website/Michael Barratt