Last updated: 28-02-2023
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- Felixstowe, Suffolk, Uk
- 60s Pop
C1959 - L1963
Guitar: Paul Gill
Guitar: Phil Quinby
Bass: Clive Wilson
Drums: ?? Godbold (2)Mervyn Pedelty
The band formed the band at ?? School, Felixstowe in 19??. “We started out playing American folk songs in the style of the Kingston Trio.” said guitarist Gill. “However, we very soon changed to an instrumental band, heavily copying The Shadows. This may explain the peculiar dress sense in the photograph!” The band were first pictured in The Felixstowe Times in...
First gig was 8th August 1962 at the Waverley Hotel Felixstowe.
Final gig was 22nd December 1963 at the Cavendish Hotel Felixstowe.
The Photograph: Our first press photograph, all aged 14, taken at the Congregational Church Hall, Felixstowe on 9th April 1963 by The Felixstowe Times.
The band fold in late 1963 with Gill and Quinby forming The Dizzy Heights while Pedelty joins The Debenbeats.