Last updated: 03-08-2021
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Basic Information
- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
- Function
C1967 - C1967
Related Bands
- Stateside Five, The
- Memphis Index
- Wayrockmen, The
- Four Capitols, The
- Tight Fit
- Legend (1)
- Cavaliers, The (1)
- Candlewick Three, The
- Transcontinental Express
- Ohio State
- Maple Creek
- Double Vision
- Diamonds, The (2)
- Wypeout
- Barons, The
- Invaders, The (1)
- Rocking Preachers, The
- Vampires, The (3)
- Vikings, The (1)
- Planets, The
Lead Vocals: Various (2)Tony Dann aka Tony Dee
Guitar: Various (2)Terry Paston
Bass: Robert Bob Sutton
Trombone, Piano: Jeff Kelly
Sax: Jack Kinsey or Kinson
Drums: Grenville Arnold aka Grenny Arnold
At the end of The Wayrockmen, frontman John Arnold advertised for musicians to start a new band. An advert for an open audition at The Cellar House PH, Eaton was placed, but the turnout was poor according to his brother and the band's drummer Grenville, known as Grenny. “Two violinists and a bass player turned up,” said Grenny. “Disheartened, John called it a day, however, the bass player that turned up that day was a guy in his forties called Bob Sutton and he knew quite a few musicians. He suggested to me we start a strict tempo dance trio, so we did under the guise of The Bob Bradley Trio. To this day I have no idea where the Bradley bit comes from. We played mainly private functions dressed in DJs [dinner jackets] and bow ties. The line-up would vary from week to week and later I brought in Tony Dann a former school friend. You can now see the roots of Memphis Index forming here.”
We could not date the band from adverts so have gone with Grenny’s best guess of 1967. Sutton is also linked to The Vikings and The Vampires. The younger members of the band soon broke away to form The Four Capitols.
Related titles:
Bob Bradley Quartet / Bob Bradley Bd
(Sutton - ??) The Wayrockmen <> The Four Capitols