Last updated: 07-07-2015
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- ??, Norfolk, Uk
- 60s Rock'n'roll
1960s - 1960s
Lead Vocals, Guitar: John Arnold
Guitar: Dave Mortimer
Guitar: Barry Stewart lnr
Bass: Rob ??
Drums: Grenny Eddie Arnold
My first real record was Red River Rock by Johnny & The Hurricanes. Starts Grenville Arnold known to everyone as Grenny. One year after Christmas a school friend by the name of Dave Mortimer brought in an electric guitar and amplifier. We started to rehearse at the local village hall with me beating out the rhythm on an old card table using two old chair spindles. Later a boy from the village named Barry Stewart recieved a guitar for his birthday and joined us. When i left school
Dishartened my brother gave up but the bass player that had turned up (Bob Sutton)
<> The Bob Bradley Trio/Quartet