

Last updated: 02-04-2020
Also Known As:
  • Ricky Gee

Basic Information

1952 - Present (73)
Born In:
  • Gibraltar
Last Known Location:
  • ??, GERMANY

Roger Green was born in Gibralta on 9th of January 1952. Now known as Ricky Gee he moved to Lowestoft in 1966 leaving for Sheffield in 1974. He returns to Lowestoft in 1979 before moving to Germany in 1981.


Band timeline:

Lemon Soul


The Morrells 69-71

Impact Four

The Loving Kind

Judge Oliver

Steel Leech

Proteus Retaliation



Michele Breeze and Rainbow Lake

Mr Toad


Stag (Moved to Sheffield in 1974)


Bob Medler was the singer in "Aftermath" and Paul Wright was the guitar player, I think ?? I played guitar with them for a couple of gigs only, more or less just a guest !! I was also the drummer in "The Morrells" from late 1969 through 1971. The band during my stay, included over that period an array of members .... Gerry Ellis, Brian Moore, Dave Saggers, Nikki Dyer, Paul Wright, Dave Evans and Alan Chaney. I played in many other Lowestoft bands too between 1968 & 1974 after which I moved to Sheffield, then on to Germany. These included :- "Lemon Soul", "Impact Four", "The Loving Kind", "The Morrells", "Judge Oliver", "Steel Leech", "Proteus Retaliation", "Phoenix", "Cider", "Michele Breeze & Rainbow Lake", "Mr. Toad", "Shaft" and then "Stag", this was the Lowestoft band I moved to Sheffield with in 1974. "Stag" were, Me, Nick Holmes, Bill Cone and John Edmonds. source ricky gee