Last updated: 22-01-2021
Basic Information
- Gorleston, Norfolk, Uk
- Drums/percussionist
"It all started at the tender age of 13 at Tiffany’s, Great Yarmouth seeing Gary Glitter & The Glitterband, the thunderous drum sound of two drummers, the dramatics, the stage set and dry ice, I was hooked! I told myself, I’m gonna do that, 18 months later I was on that same stage supporting the likes of Marc Bolan & T.Rex, Smokie etc. I have always loved bands that looked like bands and not like they just turned up from work, I made sure the bands I played in treated it like that. I was approached to join Adam & The Ants, bloody hell should have accepted that it was right up my street with all the theatrics and make-up etc. I got the two drummer thing going when I formed Those Glam Rockers years later. Never had a lesson in my life (probably shows) but I like it edgy. I was heavily influenced by Keith Moon who just played what he felt, in my book that’s the groove. My current set up is a vintage Sonor, early 70’s in Leopard print but my first set up was red glitter Olympic, which would love to have now."
Band timeline:
Cosmic Love
The Crabs
Boys Will Be Boys
Squeaky Clean
War Party
Those Glam Rockers
The Rockolas
Rock 'n' Roll Geezers