Last updated: 23-04-2020
More Info Required
- Sittin' Pretty
Basic Information
- ??, Norfolk, Uk
- Nwobhm
E1986 - M1988
Lead Vocals: ?? (2)Richard Hill
Guitar: Alan Kulke 86-??
Guitar: Paul Curtis (2)Mark Kulke
Keys: Pat Rolph
Bass: ?? (2)James Houghton May86-?? (3)Jamie Durrant ??-??
Drums: Andy McKenzie (RIP)
"I joined the band in May 86, they had been going for about a couple of years by then. When I was with them you had Andy on drums, Richard on vocals, Alan on guitar, Paul on guitar & myself on bass. During my time with them we recorded a 2 track demo with one of the songs 'Lonely Is The Night' being used by BBC Radio Norfolk. We did one big tour of the country when I was with them from which I still have the llanharan gig from South Wales on audio cassette..!" JH 22/04/2020
"I cant really add much to what James has said. Here is a pic from when I joined in '86. We had a line-up change with Jamie and a keyboard player called Pat coming in when Paul Curtis moved on. We did a couple of shows with Dumpys Rusty Nuts, one in Norwich at the Ritzy (Samson & Hercules) Big C Appeal and then at The Marquee in London... and as Dumpy said "Now you've played here you can split up ha..." We literally went our own way after that. We played Mildenhall Speedway Stadium and a couple of local festivals, Kings Lynn too. There was a power cut there and a funny story that goes with that... anyway I will try to find out who the original band was. Apparently there is a video of the Mildenhall show and someone was going to send it over to me. My brother Mark Kulke played guitar with us at the Mildenhall and festival shows when Pat had moved on." AK23/04/2020
unplaced musicians: Rob Ros, John Brindle/Brundle, David Gwilliam,