Last updated: 30-01-2023
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- Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, Uk
- Unknown
L1966 - E1969
Vocals, Melotron Organ: Jack Chaplin
Vocals, Guitar: Roger Dack left not replaced
Vocals, Bass: Phil Drewry
Drums: Paul Bulloss (2)Harry Rix + Lead Vocals
The band had previously existed as The (Rockin’) Roosters. Dack leaves in July 1968 and is replaced by Rix who is at the time singing with the Bury St Edmunds’ band Accent, however, no sooner had he joined than Bulloss decided to move on, leaving Rix to become the group’s vocalist from the drum stool.
In May 1968 the group turn professional and later that year head out to Germany to play some dates backing numerous and well known singers. A retrospective article says the band perform live on BBC Radio One’s Saturday Club and perform five numbers. However, I could not confirm this and now believe it was confused with the later version of the band called Skinn, who did perform a BBC Radio One Saturday Club session.
The outfit made at least two demo recordings, both believed to have been penned by Chapman with one being produced by Polydor, who were showing an interest in them around June 1968. “I can remember doing lots of recording with The Rubber Band and Skinn but I don’t recall any details now or have any of the recordings,” said Rix. “I do recall another band then releasing as Rubber Band so we changed our name to Skinn.”
The group have been credited in various publications with the release of the album Cream Songbook and other cover band title releases by The Rubber Band on the Major Minor label in 1969, however, as pointed out by Rix this was not them and was one of their reasons for becoming Skinn in January 1969.
NB: On the Dereham Town History website ??? it lists The Rubber Band as regular players at The Tavern Club (which they were) although it says the group contained Rix and his brother. Having interviewed Rix several times before his death and also his mother in 1997, no mention of a musical brother was made, paternal, step, adopted or otherwise. Although it should be pointed out I never actually asked that question but I would like to think he would have pointed it out when he gave me the band’s details!
Supports: Jimi Hendrix / Manfred Mann / Marmalade / Geno Washington & The Ram Jam Band
The Equals / The House Of Lords / John Mayall’s Blues Breakers / Elmer Gantry
Actd Accident [ ] June 68 by Jack Chapman (untraced)
Actd Last Hooray [ ] Udat (untraced)
Rubber Band drum up excitement LJ
Which Local Group For The Charts H&N EEN 24/06/68
Rubber Band Spring German Tour Surprise H&N EEN 11/11/68
BBC Radio One Saturday Club [unconfirmed]
Chantelle's USA Germany 22/11/68
The Phantoms Four / The Roosters <> Skinn