Last updated: 28-06-2021
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Basic Information
- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
- Unknown
Active Years:
C1960 - C1960
C1960 - C1960
Line-up unk: This band are mentioned in the hope that we can throw some light on Roger Bunn’s claims that this was his first Norwich group after the skiffle boom. We did ask Roger who sadly passed away in 2005 to confirm he meant Bishops and was not misidentifying his early modern jazz band The Blazes or his appearances with The Blue Rockets, The Brokers or The Bluebottles, but he remained adamant that it was The Bishops.
We have been unable to track down any advertised gigs for the group and have left the query open. So, were you preaching to the pop converts in 1960?
(Bunn - ??) <> (Bunn - ??)