Last updated: 16-12-2022
Basic Information
- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
Music Columns
1965 - 1990s
The Here and Now column in the Eastern Evening News was the Norfolk regions first main source of local music news. It appeared on the 29th March 1965 with a small footnoot which read "This New Feature for teens and twenties will appear in the Eastern Evening News each Monday". The first main writer for the page was Tom Edwards who later becomes a disc jockey for pirate Radio station Radio City and later Radio Caroline. He was ably assisted by Andrew Garvey (Jazz Notes) and Frank Gordon (Folk Music)
The page did later feature fashion tips by Judy Smithies (67)(TOP TEN round up JAN68) and a TOP TEN pop-chart round-up by Jenny Belson (December 66 -
Discotheque Diary added November 66
Note: Where & When column first seen in ??, stops in ?? restarts on 21/08/78 until ??
TOM EDWARDS - MARCH 1965 to JULY 1965 (replaced by Graham Griffith) 5 months
ANDREW HARVEY (Jazz Notes) - MARCH 1965 to
(After Tom Edwards leaves Andrew Harvey becomes a main contributor)
FRANK GORDON (Folk Music) - MARCH 1965 to APRIL 1966 (replaced by Sid Langley) 13 months
SID LANGLEY - APRIL 1966 to JUNE 1967 (OCT-NOV67) 14 months
JIM TUDOR - JUNE 1967 to
PETER FRAZEN - ??? ?? to ??? 1975
COLIN BEVAN - NOVEMBER 1969 to ??? 1975
MICK DENNIS - ??? 1975 to ??? ??
BILL WOODCOCK - ??? 1975 to APRIL 1978 (replaced by Steve Hardy)
MALCOLM ROBERTSON - ??? ?? to JULY 1978 (replaced by Alan Edwards)
STEVE HARDY - APRIL 1978 to ??? ??
ALAN EDWARDS - JULY 1978 to MAY 1979 (replaced by Roger Duffield)
ROGER DUFFIELD - MAY 1979 to JULY 1979 (replaced by Peter Steward)
PETER STEWARD - JULY 1979 to ??? ??
MARK HOUDLEY - FEBRUARY 1986 to ?? (did page with peter steward)
JOHN MILES - ??? ?? to ??? ??
JO MALONE - ??? ?? to ??? ??
Contributions: Roderic Leigh May66/John Potter Aug66/Susan Hughes June66/
Here & Now E65-70s
The writings of Steve James for the EEN go beyond the birth of the contemporary music scene in late 1955 with his musical (mainly jazz) input on the Around and About page and his observations about the big band and jazz scenes; he was also a great admirer and champion of Norwich-born blues/skiffle queen Beryl Bryden. The first Here & Now page appeared on 29 March 1965 and was long overdue. The interest in local music was well on the way to its peak, and the page could have started up to 18 months earlier; some may even argue as early as 1962 when a page devoted to just teenagers would have seemed scandalous. Originally intended to air views on fashion and other youth topics, it was clear by mid-1966 that music would be its bread and butter.
Here & Now writers:
TOM EDWARDS - MARCH 1965 to JULY 1965 (replaced by Graham Griffith) 5 months
ANDREW HARVEY (Jazz Notes) - MARCH 1965 to
(After Tom Edwards leaves Andrew Harvey becomes a main contributor)
Steve James
Tom Edwards March 1965 to July 1965 (replaced by Graham Griffith)
Charles Catchpole August 1968 -
Sid Langley
Andrew Harvey - July 1968
Andrew Harvey (jazz notes) - March 1965 to
(After Tom Edwards leaves Andrew Harvey becomes a main contributor)
Frank Gordon (folk music) - March 1965 to April 1966 (replaced by Sid Langley) 13 months
Graham Griffith - July 1965 to May 1966
Charles Catchpole - (may 66)(aug66)(apr67)(oct67) to november 1969
Sid Langley - April 1966 to June 1967 (oct-nov67) 14 months
Dexter Cole - (apr67)
Jim Tudor - June 1967 to
Peter frazen - ??? ?? To ??? 1975
Colin Bevan – Nov 1969 to ??? 1975
Pat Welland – Nov 1969 to ??? 197?
NB: It should be noted that the above names are just the main editors of the page at the time and that the weekly page was collated of many other contributors including ex-main editors.