

Last updated: 14-04-2021

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Born In:
  • Unknown
Last Known Location:


  • Unknown

Band timeline:

The Jerks



Chatting with Rory - 14/04/2021

What inspired you to start playing?

"I guess music was a part of my upbringing. My dad was a Dylan devotee, my mum spoke about seeing the Beatles at Romford Odeon and my older brothers were in bands from when I was 7 or so. I found the Beatles blue best of double cassette tape somewhere in the house when I was about 5 or 6 and was totally obsessed with it. I then got obsessed with Oasis and used to get the school bus driver to play my "what's the story" tape on the way to school. The first Xmas present I bought anyone was the Nirvana unplugged gig on tape as a joint gift for my brothers, but I listened to that a lot, too. God, I haven't even got to age 10 yet! Probably for the best I curtail the rest of the details, long story short: funk bass virtuoso goals -> kind friend lending me their white fender acoustic -> tascam 4 track -> the internet -> the ferryboat and beyond."