Last updated: 31-10-2022
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- Tim Vancella
Basic Information
- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
- Bassist
- Guitarist
- Vocalist
Tim Page was born in Norwich on 26 April 1960. Attended Blyth Jex School and now resides in Bath, Bristol, UK. Tim passed away in 2019.
Archive Obit
Very sad news: Tim Page aka Tim Vancella (because he sold vans) has passed away. We met through music and he supported and played on many of my early projects and for a while we worked together at Pointer Motor Company, Norwich. We didn’t like the same music and would always laugh at each other’s choices, dry wit style. Tim was a great bass player and vocalist; he had a feel for it and one of the few locally at the time (early 80s) who had mastered the slap style ala Mark King (Level 42). Tim was versatile though and played in many local new wave bands and later blues and function outfits. He sang on my 1986 Norwich Band Aid single project Flesh & Blood. He moved away and we lost touch but news of his exploits would filter through from other friends who remained here in Norwich. RIP Tim.
FB Feedback:
Keith Labbell - That’s Sad. R I P
Col Wolfe - Very sorry to hear that. I love the Quartz record. I insisted on ‘Social Values’ being included on a mate’s compilation album.
Dave Smith - RIP Tim thoughts and love to all family and friends xx
Wizz Wiseman - Met him a couple of times. Not old either. Sad to hear that another local has passed on to join our other 'musos' waiting in the wings up there. R.I.P. Tim
Natalie Thompson - Oh wow, Tim - you really are a rock star!!! I knew of his legend status in Bath, loving the 80’s photos - what an absolute ledge
Marianne Young - OMG, there are some amazing pics there Sarah Vancella!! What a lovely tribute! Xxx
Gary Kennon - I dont believe it I just found this post whilst now trying to track Tim down here on facebook
RIP Tim, I was a fan right from the school band "Quartz".