Last updated: 10-10-2023
- Nick Unplugged
Basic Information
- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
- Lead Vocalist
- Bassist
Related People
Band timeline:
Shadowfax 83-?? (LVox)
Impact ??-?? (BVox, Bass)
Tyger Tiger ??-?? (Vox, Bass)
After Dark ??-?? (LVox, Bass)
Resume (check entry not Nick)
Section 8 ??-?? (LVox, Bass)
The Barking Spiders 98-15 (??)
The Resonators 15-Present (LVox, Bass)
Nick Unplugged (Solo) 20-Present (LVox, AccGtr)
Add to DB: After dark Me bass and vocals, Chris Lead, Simon wilkinson (spider) on Keyboard) And Kevin Browne (agent orange) on drums, Section 8 me on bass and vocals, Brian lee copper on guitar and nigel (cant remember last name on drums, The barking spiders, Me on vocals, jason eastick on bass, paul cracknel on guitar, max Hoskins on drums, original resonators was me on vocals, chris on guitar, ozz on bass and Nigel Scrivens on drums who also played with the barking spiders when max hoskins left.