Last updated: 21-07-2021
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Born In:
- Ipswich, Suffolk, Uk
Last Known Location:
- Bassist
- Guitarist
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Band timeline:
My oldest brother..and the three brothers where the Clark brothers of which are our cousins. Clarke's are called nobbles. (Nobblers)
More or Don played guitar in a skiffle group, brother Doug played double bass with Tom Collins jazz band in the late 50s And myself played with as you might know Ken the Limelights/ Nite Sect in the 60s/ Tubby Ray Band in the early 70s / Anderay. Trio in the late 90s - 2001 And I the late 70s managed a funk Soul band STILL plus an Elvis Presley tribute singer Tom Story. That's a shortened version of my musical Career.
We were called the .. Flashers I had to take the name of the tea chest I don't think we would get away with it today. I'm on the left.
Its going back a while..65 + years l think there all still around. On the other guitar is John Burgess. on the tea chest is Jimmy Brunning. on the washboard is Ray Jones.He done quite well as a solo singer.
Band timeline:
The Flashers