Last updated: 05-03-2014
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Basic Information
- Ipswich, Suffolk, Uk
- 60s Pop
E1963 - L1968
Lead Vocals: Brian Willy Brown
Lead Vocals: Carl Harrison
Guitar: Trevor Rowland (2)Mick Hughes
Guitar, Keys: Robin Hare
Bass: Rod Goldsmith (2)Graham Baldry
Drums: Bryan Stykx Scarlett
This Suffolk band had started life as The Rebels but simularity to Duanne Eddys backing band and a lean towards R’n’B and then later Soul saw them become the more rural and appropriate Wild Oats
Over the years since their demise and with just as much surprise to its members the band has been lifted into a cult status caused by their appearence on RG Jones, legendary Oak label. Stable mates at the time included early recordings of The Stones, The Kinks and The Yardbirds
Their ep (RGJ117 - 1963) is now being valued at a staggering £500 in pristine condition. Homage such as this has stirred and promoted further interest in group recordings. Obscure revivalist label Tenth Records tracked down the bands Trevor Rowland and urged him to dig up some more recorded material by the group. The result was a very ambient and atmospheric live recording made at the International Club in Leighston
In late 1964 the group recorded in the city of London studio’s but felt that the rendition of Fanny Mea was to use Trevors words “duff” The album was taken from a reel to reel tape
The band have performed regular reunions over the years starting back in [date required] Brian is still playing the circuit Keep Of The Grass [needs confirmation]
Supports: The Kinks / The Animals / The Hollies / George Fame / The Applejacks / The Rolling Stones /Screaming Lord Sutch / Crispian St Peter
7" Actd Whole Lotta Woman b/w Put The Blame On Me [ ]1963
7” The Oak EP, Oak RGJ117[ ]1964
You Can’t Judge A Book By It’s Cover / Walking The Dog / Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow / Put The Blame On Me
7” Actd Soulful Dress b/w Bye Bye Baby [ ]1964
7" Actd Fanny Mae b/w Route 66 [ ]1965
12” Ct Demention Of Sound ~ Walking the Dog (reissued in 98)
12” Ct You Can’t Judge A Book By It’s Cover - The Oak Anthology Tenth Planet TP [ ]94 reissued on CD Wooden Hill WHC007[ ]99
12” Live at Leighston - Ram Bunk Shush/I’m With You/(Ain’t That)Just Like Me/You Better Move On/Walking The Dog/Hungry For Love/Boys/I’m Talking’bout You/I’ll Never Get Over You/Shadoogie/I Saw Her Standing There/I Know/Pointed toe shoes/Sweets For My Sweet/Put The Blame On Me/Poison Ivy/Shake Sherry/Money (Thats What I Want) Tenth Planet TP013[ ]95.
Old “Oats” Together For Feast IPES 13/08/1971[ ](P)
Radio: Luxemburg (Grundig at the Star Club) with Pete Murray ~ I Just Wanna Make Love To You/I Can Tell/Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow.
The Rebels <> (Brown - Soul Concern) The Alexander Bell