Last updated: 03-07-2023
Basic Information
- Clacton-on-sea, Essex, Uk
- Unknown
1960s - Undated
Lead Vocals, Guitar: Dave Lawrence Atkins
Guitar: Tony Virgo
Bass: Maurice Spike
Drums: Julian Catchpole (2)Dick Gunnell
"Rock and Roll was just beginning to catch on in popularity, initially via imported records and bands from the US, and our attempts at skiffle quickly progressed toward this new and exciting form of music. As I was the probably the least skilled guitar player of the two of us I changed to the bass guitar. I remember my first one – a Vox, purchased for about £25 – ordered from a music shop in Tottenham Court Road, London. The cost reflected the quality and I eventually upgraded to a Burns, and finally (well after we had turned pro) my ultimate – a Fender Precision Bass – costing in the early 60s around £110! Our amplification in the early days was mainly what we could find second-hand, or a mix of mail order amplifiers and home-built speaker cabinets. As a bass player I ‘blew’ several speakers before eventually being able to afford an amplifier and speakers that could successfully handle it!
The Tremors and the Vampires were a couple of rival Clacton based rock/pop bands in the late 50’s. My first real band was The Vampires (the origin of the name escapes me) – formed probably around 1959 – comprising Dave Atkins (whose parents owned the chippy in Holland on Sea) on lead guitar, myself on bass, another local lad called Tony Virgo (whose parents owned a guest house in Fourth Ave, Clacton) on rhythm guitar and the drummer was Julian Catchpole. Julian’s dad Maurice owned a hairdressing salon opposite the gas works in Old Road and Julian was learning the trade. He eventually became a very successful stylist in Paris. He currently lives with his wife in Austin, Texas. Tony was later replaced by Dick Gunnell. (and who eventually followed Dave and me to the Tremors after we had turned pro)
We gigged around the local area (mainly Clacton, Walton, Dovercourt) in competition for the available gigs with The Tremors – who had the better following, and a couple of Colchester bands – mainly Jimmy Pilgrim and the Classics." MH2023
Web link to follow :
<> The Tremors