Last updated: 01-12-2020
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- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
- Nwobhm
E1982 - L1984
Lead Vocals: Daniel Dewgarde aka Dewg
Guitar: Barry Cooper
Guitar: Ozzy Coulson
Bass: Gerald Browne (2)Scott Gisbourne
Drums: Richard Holmes aka Pit
Vampire were put together by Dewgarde and Cooper after the split of Norwich heavy metal band Atlas. The band played their debut gig at The Romany Rye PH, Nch on ??/??/82. The line-up which included ex Angel/Tyrant guitarist Coulson remained pretty solid throughout its life span. One early departure was Browne who left to join fellow Norwich metalists Saigon
Recording history unknown [details required]
The band split up on new years eve, 31st December 1984 [gig details unknown] Dewgarde, Holmes and Gisbourne turn up 6 months later in mid 1985 in Allied Force
(Coulson - Tyrant) Atlas <> Allied Force (Browne - Saigon)(Coulson - ??)