

Last updated: 10-02-2017

Lead Vocals, Guitar: Tex Isbell (2)Brian Haylett (3)Charlie Marsden

Guitar: John Parker (2)Peter Pease

Bass: Tommy Kelf am

Drums: Ken Smith (2)John Smith (3)John Nockolds


Drummer Ken Smith recalls the forming of the band "Tex was an American Ex-serviceman and into his old style country. He placed an ad in the local paper and myself and John Parker applied, we did have a bass player at the start but he only lasted around two weeks and when he left we carried on as a trio. Tex married a Yarmouth girl and went back to America, sadly he was killed in a car crash. I left around the same time as Tex and John Parker started a Mk2 version of the band with Brian Haylett on vocals."


The band continued to evolve with new members and added a bass player. The group finally wound up in ??