Last updated: 05-05-2020
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- The Levellers
Basic Information
- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
- Folk
E1986 - M1986
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Lead Vocals: Gina Dunn
Vocals, Bass: John Dunn
Guitar: Patrick Arbuthnot
Drums: Graham Whitehead
"Patrick played guitar: his Telecaster, rather than his usual lap steel. We were reviewed by Colin Cross in the EEN on 20 January 1986 after we sent him a tape which was recorded by Chris Hawkins in his flat. I've no idea what became of the tape. We were strictly traditional English folk-rock, well into the Fairport/ Steeleye area. We did nine gigs, starting on 25 January 1986 at the Dial, and ending on 14 July 1986 at Norwich Arts Centre. We named the band Objat after a French town in the Correze, but that was a bit obscure so we changed it to The Levellers. The slightly more famous Levellers started in Brighton two years later." JD 05/05/2020