

Last updated: 13-01-2017
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Basic Information

  • King's Lynn, Norfolk, Uk
  • 60s Pop
Active Years:
C1965 - C1966


Lead Vocals: Mick Sayer

Guitar: Brian Dacious Cook

Guitar: Harry Hackett

Bass: Patrick Paddy McCabe

Drums: John Murray


“We lasted about nine months,” said lead singer Sayer and then added. “McCabe had previously been in The FBI for a short while; Cook had been in The Devils Coachmen; Murray came from a Salvation Army family and had got his liking for drums from there, I think he was just 15 when he was in the band. Hackett who played rhythm admits, like me, we weren't very good but we fancied ourselves as pop stars. I'd stood in a couple of times with The Teenage Mummies another local band, whose vocalist and bass player regularly used to lose his voice. Dacious and Paddy were forming a band and asked me to join. Paddy said he had thought of The FBI name (the name of his previous group) so brought that name with him and for a short while there were two FBI's, until the original band kicked up and we became Paddy's Generation, then The Generation and finally Group X. We mainly played at the South Lynn Community Centre and had a great time.” Cook was later seen performing with Dacious & The Breakthrough in 1968.


"Group X only lasted about 9 months in 1965/66. Paddy McCabe had previously been in The FBI for a short while, according to him he formed The FBI. Brian (Dacious) Cook had been in The Devils Coachmen. John Murray came from a salvation army family and had got his liking for drums from them, I think he was just 15 when he was in the band. Harry Hackett who played rhythm admits that like me we weren't very good but we fancied ourselves as pop stars. I'd stood in a couple of times with The Teenage Mummy's another local band whose vocalist and bass player Chalky Bowman regularly used to lose his voice. Dacious and Paddy were forming a band and asked me to join. Paddy said he had thought of The FBI name so brought that name with him so for a short while there were two FBI's, until the original FBI kicked up and we dropped that and became Paddy's Generation then just The Generation then Group X. Paddy's thinking was the long disbanded previous Group X were a very good band so having that name would get us more bookings. I think it worked for awhile. Writing this can't believe this all happened in such a short amount of time. Then Dacious got married and had his beloved Gibson stolen, besides, I think Dacious always thought we were never any good although he was a brilliant guitar player himself. Paddy got into drugs heavy and became ill, he later died. Harry just disappeared after a bit of jealousy over girlfriends. John stuck with it and is still drumming with a band today in his sixties." source: Mick Sayer Oct 2015