Last updated: 09-03-2020
Basic Information
- Norwich, Norfolk, Uk
- Rock
C1989 - Present
Lead Vocals, Guitar: Steve Ayers
Guitar: Gareth ?? (2)Dave Sellwood (3)Tena Swanson Moore lnr
Bass: Colin English (2)Nick Potts (3)Clive Tully
Drums: Steve Hamer (2)Lucio Vapo
"I placed an ad in the EDP for like minded musicians interested in the style of George Thorogood and the Destroyers, Jimi Hendrix, and Rock Blues. The first to reply was drummer Steve Hamer, who had just moved to Norfolk from his native Wales. As his kit was in the attic Steve Ayers opted for the second drummer to reply a man known as Geoff. Colin English had applied for the bassist position and was a veteran of the local music scene and a great player ... So he got the job! A rehearsal at Geoffs place, his unheated garage was scheduled for early Febuary and three things were discovered, Geoff had no transport, Geoffs garage was freezing and Geoff was a very bad drummer! Straight on the phone to Steve Hamer to arrange a rehearsal in a nice warm village hall and Fourplay was born.. There were three rhythm guitarists over the first eight years, Gareth, Dave Sellwood and Tena Swanson Moore. But since 2000 Fourplay have been a three piece band.
In 2015 Steve Hamer passed away and Colin English retired. Nick Potts replaced Colin on bass and Lucio Vapo took over the drumming stool." SA 2018
"In 2017 Nick retired and Clive Tully stepped in to play bass, Clive had been depping with Fourplay for over 25 years off and on.
The band continues into it's third decade playing rock - blues from George Thorogood and the Destroyers, Tom Petty, Jimi Hendrix and many others." SA 2020
<> Bad To The Bone