

Last updated: 15-04-2020
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Basic Information

  • Ipswich, Suffolk, Uk
  • Unknown
Active Years:
C1986 - C1987

Lead Vocals: Dave Ruegg 86-??

Guitar: Gary Smith 86-??

Guitar: Merrick Cardy ??-?? added member

Keys: John Ramirez 86-??

Bass: Kelvin Nicholson 86-Dec86 (2)Mark Grinder Reeve Dec86-88 (3)various (4)Chris Ratcliff

Drums: Lee Rollings 86-?? (2)Craig Clark (3)Dan ?? (4)Alfie Green


Thwaite Bucks Head December 1986 was Grinders second gig with the band. Line-up: Ruegg, Smith, Reeve, Rollings and Ramirez. Played the Bucks Head a few times through 1987 plus assorted gigs in Ipswich, Felixstowe, Colchester, Northampton and London. Released single on Ipswich label Malhora Records in 1987 - More information required


"Choi Choy (1986) was initially Me, Smith, Ramirez, Nicholson on bass later replaced by Grinder Reeves, and Rollings. The Grinder line-up is seen as the 'classic' one. We reformed in the early 90's without Ramirez. The line ups changed a fair bit until we were joined by Ratcliff on bass and Cardy on rhythm. Lee played on an off until his death but he was covered by Clark and then Dan (can't recall his surname) with a short period of having Alfie Green, who has since gone on to be a proper musician." DR14/04/2020

"The very last gig was the proverbial straw that..... We did a 25th anniversary and bowel cancer benefit in June 2011 at the Kings Head Stowmarket. There was a general lack of commitment so greatly unrehearsed with an inability to go through many of the songs that had been written through the 25 years. We were, predictably, a bit shit. It was a bit of whimper of an ending but we raised a little money for a good cause. I'd been living away from the area for several years so our gigs were few and far between by then." DR14/04/2020


(Ruegg - The Blackwater Blues Band) <>

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