The iron tree is drought-resistant and grows slowly, symbolizing tenacity.

East Anglian Music Archive

News And Features


    Special Report

    By Kingsley Harris

    Posted: 13-Jun-2019
      (This article was published in two monthly parts by Archant in their Lets Talk magazine (June/July respectively)   Come party time it doesn’t matter if you are standing at the bar, or already on the dance floor, we all know what to shout after hearing the opening line of Gary Puckett & The Union Gap’s 1968 hit Young Girl, and yes, I’ve deliberately left the answer out so you get the fun of saying it to yourself. It’s hard to imagine that this globally recognised song, recorded by a band five and a half thousand miles away in San Diego, USA has any East Anglian connection at all and... More
  • WHEN I'M 94 - Dick Bloy and R&B Entertainment

    Special Report

    By Kingsley Harris

    Posted: 17-Nov-2014
    From tales of escape and evasion during the fall of Singapore, playing endless football games for the village teams of Norfolk to then booking some of the world’s biggest pop stars; it wasn’t your standard introduction to the music scene for Beetley born Richard Bloy, Dick to his friends. 50 years on and at the stella age of 94 Dick still runs his R&B Entertainment Agency with his wife Eileen.    Dick was a football man through and through, his brother also played and his father before that. He’s played for the Beetley, Dereham and North Elmham village teams in his time and as he put i... More

    Special Report

    By Kingsley Harris

    Posted: 15-Jul-2014
      The best thing about running the Archive is I get to meet my heroes and chat with them without hefty bodyguards in the way and more often than not they are surprised I am interested in, and want to chat about their first bands and what inspired them to pick up an instrument.   The Archive is not just about those musicians that achieved fame and fortune but a social site about those who spent years entertaining the local crowds. It’s always good to hear the stories of those who almost made it but I’m far more interested in those golden moments that happened while working the local scene... More